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Back-To-School Presentation
(Handout and SlideShare)
1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?

1 C. Management and administration of technology programs at the building, district and regional levels.

2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.

The following handout and corresponding slide show was created by me, and presented to parents on Back-To-School night last fall. The presentation clearly establishes my homework and discipline policies, general classroom expectations, and gives a curricular overview of third grade.

3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?

This artifact benefits the parents of my students by defining clear expectations early in the year. My homework policy is defined so that parents understand when and how often homework is assigned,  how to handle missed assignments, and grading policies with homework.  My discipline policy sets defined boundaries on how classroom management will be run and how negative consequences as well as rewards will be managed. The curricular overview gives the parents a brief look at what the students will be learning throughout the year, so that they cam familiarize themselves with the curriculum. Finally, there are QR codes embedded into the handout so that the parents can scan the handout with their smart phones or tablets to add my digital business card to their contacts or watch the presentation again at a later date.

4.  Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?

In my years of teaching, I have learned that making it to Back-To-School night can be difficult for parents for many different reasons. This artifact is the culmination of the past several years reflection. I kept thinking about ways I could share the presentation with parents if they couldn't make it to school. Years ago, it started out with sending home handouts. Today it has evolved to the Powerpoint is now available online with the simple scan of a QR code. Parents can watch what they missed on their smart phones, scan another QR code and have all of my contact information available on their phones for any questions. I'm excited to see where I can take this to the next level.

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