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II. Performances

The professional education program provides evidence that competencies and exit criteria for Instructional Technology Specialist certification candidates are assessed in coursework, field experiences, portfolios from previous employment and an internship. The program also provides evidence that the candidates demonstrate their knowledge of and competence in the delivery of instructional technology services that enhance administrative and teaching capabilities and improve student learning during a minimum of 120 hours of participation in sequential field experiences, practica, and an internship at diverse educational levels.

2 A. Managing instructional technology services


1. Creating an environment that fosters interest and growth in all aspects of technology
2.  Establishing and maintaining rapport with all staff and students
3.  Communicating high learning expectations
4.  Creating a safe physical environment that is conducive to learning



2 B.

Planning, preparation and delivery of technology related in-service programs and instruction in collaboration with other professionals at a variety of instructional levels

-Utilize technology in problem solving based upon:

-Pennsylvania Academic Standards,

-Strengths and needs of learners at all levels of

technological proficiency,
-Established technology implementation plans.




2 C.

Selecting, implementing and adapting technology to teaching methodologies, curriculum resources and administrative functions in collaboration with other educators and integrating a variety of software, applications, and learning tools

  • Creates a lesson in which students globally col- laborate, as does the instructor for meaningful learning

  • Re-writing lesson plans with others so that student use technology in ways that meets their learning needs.

  • Uses technology within a lesson to differentiate instruction, and have input on implementation

  • Re-designs a lesson with others to meet higher level thinking goals and uses technology to achieve the goals




2 D.

Selecting, developing and administering assessments that utilize technological applications and involve multiple indicators of student progress and using technology to maintain records on student achievement

  • Use of the student data systems to make informed decisions about student instruction

  • Using a CMS or LMS to gather data on students and evaluate that data with colleagues

  • Using or administering an assessment system and lead decision making as a result




Developing leadership techniques for working with all levels of the educational community and to manage and administer instructional technology

programs at the building and district levels


2 E.



  • Developing plans to assess the technological needs and resources, and to evaluate technology implementation and outcomes

  • Developing plans to configure computer/ technology systems and related peripherals in laboratory, classroom clusters, and other instruc- tional and administrative arrangements

  • Developing systems for the secure maintenance of student records

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