1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?
1 A.Identification, selection, installation and maintenance of technology infrastructure, and hardware and software applications for school administration and instruction.
1 B.Integrating technology into curricular planning and instructional design.
2 C. Selecting, implementing and adapting technology to teaching methodologies, curriculum resources and administrative functions in collaboration with other educators and integrating a variety of software, applications, and learning tools
2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.
Seesaw is an application that provides among other things, digital portfolios for students. These portfolios follow students over time and build a complete record of their learning. Seesaw allows teachers to share access to classes and collaborate upon assignments. One of the most unique aspects of Seesaw is that parents can connect to their child's portfolio and view their work. Each time a student creates an item, their parents are emailed notifying them of the new piece, so it can be viewed. As assignments are completed and lessons are taught, progress towards completion of standards and even parent involvement can all be monitored in the administrative functions of the application. Seesaw definitely motivates students by providing them choices in how to complete assignments and show mastery. They are very eager to put their hands on laptops every time I tell them that they may use Seesaw as a choice for writing or recording an opinion to a piece of literature. The increase in parent involvement is evident when you see them commenting on student work, and taking more of an interest in their children's education.
3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?
This artifact benefits my instructional audience in several ways. Seesaw provides my students multiple ways to demonstrate mastery of concepts learned, and document what they are learning at school. They can record and post videos of themselves, take and post pictures, make drawings, type notes, blog, upload documents, or link to other sources on the Internet. All of these pieces of work are saved in a digital portfolio. The artifacts students produce are placed into a secure feed stream very similar to Facebook that allows the students to collaborate with each other on their works. This feed can even connect with other classrooms around the globe. This artifact benefits the professional community by allowing multiple teachers to collaborate with each other while working with the same class of students. By using the administrative options in Seesaw, teachers can monitor student progress, and leave private notes to one another, only able to be viewed by teachers.
4. Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?
After using Seesaw in my classroom, the biggest thing that I took away is how engaged the students were. Students love having choices, especially when it comes to showing what they have learned. Authentic assessment should have input from the students, be meaningful, and be evaluated against clear criteria. Once the guidelines were established, watching the buzz in the classroom was electrifying. Introducing Seesaw was one the best decisions for student engagement I have made this school year.
Some examples of SeeSaw in action: