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Field Experience 2

1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?

1 A. Identification, selection, installation and maintenance of technology infrastructure, and hardware and software applications for school administration and instruction.

1 B. Integrating technology into curricular planning and instructional design.

2 D.  Selecting, developing and administering assessments that utilize technological applications and involve multiple indicators of student progress and using technology to maintain records on student achievement.

2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.

The purpose my Field Experience Project, Part 2 was for me to provide evidence that I knew how to promote/foster student learning and could demonstrate how the analysis of data helped me target areas for improvement in the classroom learning experience for all students. This was a major assessment and requirement during my Integrating Technology in the Classroom program at Walden University. I had to demonstrate my knowledge and skills in planning, implementing, and reflecting upon a lesson within a unit of study that was designed for a group or classroom of students. I had to assess, monitor, and modify my instruction within a lesson that incorporated differentiated strategies to meet the needs of my students with diverse learning needs. Last, I wrote a four-part written essay that documented my content and pedagogical knowledge and skills related to this field experience project.

Part A : Context— Description of Content and Students

Part B : Pre-Assessing and Lesson Planning

Part C : Implementing Lesson, Analyzing Student Work/Formative Data, and, and Adjusting Instruction
Part D : Post-Assessment, Data Analysis, and Project Reflection

3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?

By using pre-assessment data to drive instruction, I was able to make informed decisions that drove my instruction. Incorporating the Google forms quiz gave me the quick pre-assessment I needed.  In addition to pretesting, by incorporating formative assessment throughout the instructional process, I could course correct, and find areas of instructional weakness that needed to be reinforced and strengthened along the way. As an experienced classroom teacher, I am no stranger to this process, but this experience forced me to shine a spotlight on my teaching and reaffirm my commitment to excellence in teaching. This experience also encouraged me to take a leadership role with my colleagues in modeling the use of data to drive instruction. By bringing myself to face this challenge, I created the positive social change in my school building that was noticed by my administrator and coworkers. The result was a professional learning community within the building with more open lines of communication, and an eagerness to share ideas. At the conclusion of the school year, I even held a grade level meeting with colleagues to review and determine which pre-assessments and formative assessments would be used in the upcoming school year. The data provided in appendices 4 and 5 speak for themselves. By following best practices in teaching and using data to monitor and adjust learning experiences, teachers can guarantee more learning in their classrooms.

4.  Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?

This experience really opened my eyes to how much technology can assist in all aspects of assessment. This was also one of my first experience in using Google forms in an instructional setting. I was amazed at how easy it was to build a quiz and how fast I could adapt the form to any curricular area I needed it to fit. One of the best thing about using Google forms for assessment is that it aggregates your responses into a spreadsheet for quick data analysis.

Field Experience 2 Essay with Appendices

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