Technology Plan
1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?
2 B. Planning, preparation and delivery of technology related in-service programs and instruction in collaboration with other professionals at a variety of instructional levels
2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.
In January 2017, I started DMET 526 at East Stroudsburg University. The main focus of this course is learning the administrative and management roles, responsibilities, and tasks of being an instructional technologist. The major capstone project in this course is learning to develop a technology plan. A technology plan is a focused plan with regard to where an organization is now, and where the organization wants to be in the near future regarding technology and infrastructure. The technology plan is developed in phases, and is in collaboration with other professionals. The plan assesses current technology inventory and staff capabilities, and sets a goal for where my enterprise would like to be in 3-5 years with regard to new technology acquired and skills developed. The model budget in this artifact was a collaboration effort by two other classmates and myself. It was conceived, planned, cut by 25% through online collaboration.
3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?
The technology plan that I am submitting is a model example for the school district in which I work. Due to the large size of my school district, the numbers incorporated have been limited in scope to the building in which I work rather than the entire district. These items will benefit my professional colleagues by providing an example of a technology plan. My school district does not have a technology plan at this time. I have experience serving on my district's strategic planning committee, so when I am finished with this course, I hope to use this technology plan as a model for my district's own technology plan.
4. Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?
I learned a lot from this experience. I have created a classroom budget many times in my career, but I have never worked on a technology budget before. Prior to teaching, I paid my way through college with a job in the corporate America. Filling out the first phases of the technology plan reminded me a little bit of working in a business enterprise. I suppose that should make sense since the aim of the course is the administration and management role of the instructional technologist. The most interesting part of this artifact was when I was able to give the presentation of the budget to the face to face class from my home via my laptop computer. Now that is collaboration in the 21st century!
Technology Plan:
Model Collaborative Budget: