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Student Data and Information Systems

1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?

1 A. Identification, selection, installation and maintenance of technology infrastructure, and hardware and software applications for school administration and instruction.


1 B. Integrating technology into curricular planning and instructional design.


2 D.  Selecting, developing and administering assessments that utilize technological applications and involve multiple indicators of student progress and using technology to maintain records on student achievement.

2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.

The first of the elements is a spreadsheet identifying hundreds of course entries in the West Shore Cyber School curriculum. I had the unique experience of integrating all of these courses into our district's system, cross referencing them with existing course numbers (if applicable), and creating new course numbers to add to Power School. The courses are being hosted by three providers: Edison Learning, APEX Learning, and Accelerate Education. Once all these courses were created, they had to be imported into our Power School course management system so that our counselors can offer them to our secondary students. I had the pleasure of attending the "Meet and Greet" event for the community when we launched the news of the new program. I also had the pleasure of assisting with the interview process when meeting with prospective students for our cyber school. The second and third elements are screenshots of my computer as I was importing zip files from Examview content, and converting them to Blackboard files. Once converted, I uploaded the files into Schoology, a new LMS we will be piloting this coming school year. Schoology will be instrumental in a new personalized learning initiative that my district is moving towards next year.

3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?

The new and expanded curriculum offered by our cyber school will give our students more course choices, and even allow blended learning by being combined with face-to-face classes. The cyber courses are broad in scope, and are tailored to meet needs ranging from remedial to advanced students. The flexibility that Schoology offers teachers is that it allows them to migrate their course materials to one, easy to use platform. Once in Schoology, teachers can build their own classes, and even entire courses for their student to follow through the LMS. This opens doors to more opportunities for students to have blended and more personalized learning experiences.

4.  Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?

This experience was probably the most rewarding during my internship. I have always felt that I could practice  hardware, software, and pedagogy skills on my own to strengthen them. This experience however, could never be had without being directly involved in the collaborative team that I was part of. The guidance and experience I gained from these processes is immeasurable.

West Shore School District's new cyber school curriculum.

Thousands of pages of imported data from Examview to Schoology.


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