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Class Web Page

1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?

3 D. Communicating effectively with parents/guardians, other agencies and the community at large to support learning by all students

2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.

My class web page contains several pieces of valuable information for both parents and students. There is a homework page that is updated daily. The page has instructional math videos that I have created to assist students from home. I have several valuable educational resource links. There is also a coding sub page, get to know the teacher section, and several examples of technology-based student work.

3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?

This artifact certainly benefits my instructional audience and their families on a daily basis. I update the web page every day with homework assignments, and I frequently receive feedback from parents that tell me how useful it is when students are out sick. I am also told by parents that they appreciate the fact that the web page is kept updated with current events. In addition to daily communication my web page offers several curricular links that benefit students as well. They can access Google Classroom, educational resources on the links page, and even showcase some of their technology projects to their families from the class web page.

4.  Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?

When I reflect upon my web page, I think about how it has changed over the years. My original web page was so much more simple in 2002. My 2002 web page was graphic intense and informative, so it was a big hit. In fact, most teachers back then did not even have a web page. For that time, it was probably state of the art, but when I think of the amount of Web 2.0 applications that are able to be embedded into my web page using HTML code now,  the difference is just incredible. The world of technology has rapidly evolved, and I am so excited to have a front row seat to see where it heads during the next 20 years of my career!

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