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Math Tutorial Video
1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?

1A. Identification, selection, installation and maintenance of technology infrastructure, and hardware and software applications for school administration and instruction.

I.B. Integrating technology into curricular planning and instructional design.

2.A Managing instructional technology services

2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.

Prior to being trained in screencasting, I used to use an older video tape style camera to integrate technology into my instruction. This digital media production is a teacher model/technology resource that can be accessed remotely by students and teachers to solve problems based on PA academic standards.

3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?

Through accessing the video, students, parents, and other teachers are able to watch a model lesson/example of how to solve a word problem using an abstract problem solving approach. PA CC 2.1.3 B1 standard dictates that students must be able to apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. This artifact provides an explicit example to benefit the community as a whole in mastering that eligible content standard.

4.  Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?

This is an older example of an instructional video that I hosted on my classroom web page a few years ago. The reason I chose to include it, in addition to what I mentioned above, is because the amount of work that went into making these videos. I used to set up a digital video tape camera on a tripod and film myself solving math problems using a wireless mouse/writing pad to do the drawing on an interactive whiteboard. After the filming was over, I would upload all the video to iMovie, cut and edit, then do a voice over to finish the production.  The amount of time I would spend on something like this compared to what I can do now on a tablet or with a screencast is incredible! I love to reflect on these moments and see how technology has changed as well as my skills with it in just a few short years.

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