Twitter: #WSSDEDCHAT, and Professional Organizations
1. What standard(s)/outcome(s) are being met?
3 A. Professional organizations, publications and resources
2. Identify 1-3 elements of the artifact and explain why/how they demonstrate mastery.
In the summer of 2015, I created a Twitter account. My intention was to use it for communicating with students' parents, but they just didn't seem ready to use the technology. When I started DMET 526, using Twitter became a course requirement. I started browsing my old Twitter account through the course of meeting class requirements, and stumbled across a fledgling effort by my own school district to start its own monthly education chats. Since then, I have participated in the monthly chats, as well as my DMET 526 requirements. I have found Twitter to contain a plethora of educational related articles, discussions, opinions, and experts. I am adding experts to follow in the field of instructional technology, innovation, and general education each week. I am also a member of some professional organizations. I receive regular communication from these organizations in either print, online, or both. Through these publications I stay abreast to currents trends in education and instructional technology.
3. How does, will, or could the content of this artifact benefit your instructional audience or professional community?
My instructional audience benefits from my memberships and efforts in these organizations, because they help keep me current with best practices in education. By remaining current in best practices, I am able to be the best educator I can be. My colleagues in my profesional learning community benefit from my membership through me being able to share my knowledge and expertise that I gain in a professional development capacity.
4. Reflection: What did you learn from the experience when you created the artifact or took the course?
I once thought that Twitter was just something that celebrities and the younger generation used for social purposes. I could not have been more wrong. Once I was forced to go onto Twitter and participate with DMET 526 for professional development and networking reasons, my eyes were opened. Twitter is am amazing resource for exchanging ideas and meeting professionals. I really look forward to my own school district's ed chats. I am eager to connect with more experts in the field of instructional technology in education and "follow" what they are saying.
Twitter: #Wssdedchat
Professional Organizations to which I belong:
Click on each image for more information about the organization.